Ad agencies are more optimistic than marketers about short term ad spending according to the latest tracking study from Advertiser Perceptions Inc., which measures various aspects of the industry’s confidence levels during the recession.
31% of agencies and 42% of marketers believe they will reduce their ad spending over the next six months, reports Media Post.
The differences in expectations are even more apparent when it comes to particular media. Agencies expect a 35% cut in Broadcast TV spending verses 55% for marketers. Cable TV will be cut by 18% according to agencies but 33% say marketers. Newspapers continue to fall into disfavor with agencies seeing a 54% drop and marketers a whopping 71% drop. Outdoor is expected to lose 22% by agencies and 44% by marketers.
Ad agencies and marketers are more optimistic about online media with 17% of marketers and agency execs planing cuts in that area. Search engine marketing fairs better than most with 10% of agency execs and 11% of marketers expecting cuts.
Mobile advertising is still a very small part of most integrated advertising plans but 52% of agency executives and 58% of marketers expect to increase spending here.
Source: The Advertiser Optimism Report is a new series of bi-monthly polls tracking the confidence top ad execs have in spending budgets across the major media.
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