E-Marketing in Minneapolis David Vinge, eMarketing Dashboard : Social Media for B2B Sales

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Social Media for B2B Sales

The InsideView blog has released an Infographic depicting "The Social Media landscape - Facts and Figures for B2B Sales."

Some of the highlights are as follows:

Global Fortune 100 Companies with social profiles:
  • Twitter 65%
  • Facebook 54%
  • YouTube 50%
  • RSS Feeds 33%
Average Social Media Activity of Fortune 100 companies
  • 27 tweets per week
  • 3.6 Facebook posts per week
  • 7 blog posts per month
  • 10 videos per month
It also says that "A negative customer review on YouTube, Twitter of Facebook can cost a company about 30 customers."

Forrester estimates that $716 million will be spent on social media this year and will grow to $3.1 billion in 2014. But this is still just a fraction of the size of search or display advertising at $31.6 billion and $16 billion respectively. Perhaps this is because search and display have proven ROI's.  See also "Social Media Is Not Free - Measuring ROI."

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