E-Marketing in Minneapolis David Vinge, eMarketing Dashboard : Kraft Foods Spaming Twitter Users Using FourSquare Checkins

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Kraft Foods Spaming Twitter Users Using FourSquare Checkins

Location-based social networking is a growing trend that is ready to be abused and Kraft Foods has found a way.  They are now apologizing for their location based tweets after complaints from victims.

Kraft Foods has had some recent spikes in tweets recently. For example on January 3 they sent out 201 tweets. The tweets have been location based mentioning retailers such as Costco and Stop'n Shop.  One example, "@vinge While you're at Costco, check out this delish Ritz Cheesy Football for your football parties!"
It appears that they are using foursquare checkins to target Twitter users with robo spam. This has backfired and Kraft Foods has been sending out apologies.

It appears that Kraft Foods may have been using Local Response  "but have turned it off until we get it right." Can anyone confirm?

1 comment:

search engine optimisation melbourne said...

It is a brand disaster if you ask me. Brands on twitter need not experiment on actual followers. It can be done using a closed BETA testing with dummy accounts.